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> Clicca qui per scaricare l'elenco completo delle domande di questo argomento in formato Word!

Taxi driver: “I see you have only one bag. Would you like to keep it next to you on the back seat or would you prefer to put it in the boot?”Customer: “I'm not sure; my wife's about to arrive and she'll have a bag, too”.Which of the following alternatives coherently completes the conversation?   Taxi driver: “Then we'll have to use the boot”
That office has been ____ by our department   taken over
The .... surgeon in town did Genny's operation   best
The fallen tree____ traffic for over an hour   held up
The following sentence contains one or more mistakes. Choose the correct alternative. "Don't to be silly! That men should possibly be Elvis!".   Don't be silly! That man can't possibly be Elvis!
The following sentence contains one or more mistakes. Choose the correct alternative. "I have used to meet with her every day".   I used to meet her every day
The following sentence contains one or more mistakes. Choose the correct alternative. "Terrorist attacks are at their highest level ever".   Terrorist attacks are on their highest level ever
The following sentence contains one or more mistakes. Choose the correct alternative. “Of the work none have been completed satisfactorily”.   None of the work has been completed satisfactorily
The following sentence contains one or more mistakes. Choose the correct alternative. “This chair is very valuable. You mustn't look after it very carefully and you could must damage it”.   This chair is very valuable. You must look after it very carefully and you mustn't damage it
The following sentence contains one or more mistakes: choose the correct alternative. “I wish he had been so much rude to her when they met”.   I wish he hadn't been so rude to her when they met
The following sentence contains one or more mistakes; choose the correct alternative. "Her brother left school when he was fourteen old, but could find not work".   Her brother left school when he was fourteen, but couldn't find a job
The following sentence contains one or more mistakes; choose the correct alternative. "How many milk did you bought?".   How much milk did you buy?
The following sentence contains one or more mistakes; choose the correct form. "Is your sister oldest of you?".   Is your sister older than you?
The grocer's is_____near the square,in fact,it's in the shopping centre now   no longer
The part in brackets of the following sentence contains one or more mistakes; choose the correct form. "What was the name of that hockey team your sister [used play for]?".   used to play for
The part of the following sentence between square brackets contains one or more mistakes. Choose the correct form. “I'm [busy to write] at the moment”.   busy writing
The part of the following sentence between square brackets contains one or more mistakes; choose the correct form. "Anthony and William [is said be a good football player]".   are said to be good football players
The part of the following sentence between square brackets contains one or more mistakes; choose the correct form. "The packages [has been wrapped and are all ready to be mailing] as soon as the courier arrives".   have been wrapped and are all ready to be mailed
The part of the following sentence between square brackets contains one or more mistakes; choose the correct form. “[When ask if he will support] the treaty, the president wouldn't give a clear answer”.   When asked if he would support
The part of the following sentence between square brackets contains one or more mistakes; choose the correct form. “My daughter [has being play] the flute since she was 7”.   has been playing
The part of the following sentence between square brackets contains one or more mistakes; choose the correct form. “The number of Hints available to you during an investigation depends on the number of consecutive days your Partner [has being play] Crimin   has been playing
The part of the following sentence between square brackets contains one or more mistakes; choose the correct form. “The worst nuclear accident [that ever was occurring] in the USA took place in Pennsylvania yesterday”.   ever to occur
The part of the following sentence between square brackets contains one or more mistakes; choose the correct form. “Tomorrow we [won't have being driving] for very long when we reach Las Vegas”.   won't have been driving
The part of the following sentence between square brackets contains one or more mistakes; choose the correct form. “We [haven't being visiting] London for more than five years, so I think we should go there”.   haven't visited
The part of the following sentence between square brackets contains one or more mistakes; choose the correct form.”The sign warned pedestrians [not to have walked] on the grass”.   not to walk
The part of the following sentence in brackets contains one mistake; choose the correct form. "I'm busy [to write] at the moment".   writing
The part of the following sentence in brackets contains one or more mistakes; choose the correct form. "[You didn't went] to the office yesterday?".   Didn't you go
The part of the following sentence in brackets is incorrect; choose the correct form. "Where's Robert? [Not is here] today?".   Isn't he here
The parts of the following sentence between square brackets contain one or more mistakes; choose the correct forms. "[I'm will buy] these shoes, [they like me] a lot".   I'm buying; I like them
The parts of the following sentence between square brackets contain one or more mistakes; choose the correct forms. "The secretary [have] just [recalled me]".   has; called me back
The parts of the following sentence between square brackets contain one or more mistakes; choose the correct forms. “My mother [not works] anymore, [she's pensioner]”.   doesn't work; she's a pensioner
The parts of the following sentence in brackets contain one or more mistakes. Choose the correct forms. "She [make yoga] and [run also]".   does yoga; goes running too
The parts of the following sentence in brackets contain one or more mistakes; choose the correct forms. "[The love] is [the important thing] for your happiness".   Love; important
The past simple of the verb "mean" is:   meant
The past simple of the verb "shake" is:   shook
The past simple of the verb "teach" is:   taught
The phrase in brackets contains one or more mistakes. Choose the correct alternative. "[They eaten these cake] because they are hungry".   They eat the cake
The phrases in brackets of the following sentence contain some mistakes. Choose the right alternatives. [In a his most recent speech], Mr. Smith accused the Minister [of have distorted the   In his most recent speech; of having distorted the facts
The sentence "He finished without help" is the equivalent of:   He did the job by himself
The sentence "He knows how to fill in a tax form" is the equivalent of:   He can fill a tax form
The sentence "She looks like an angel" is the equivalent of:   she is beautiful
The sentence "They can change their currency when they arrive" is the equivalent of:   It is possible to change money at the destination
The sentence "You won't be able to do it without help" is the equivalent of:   You cannot do the job on your own
The sentence: "All visitors should report to the office on arrival" is the equivalet of:   Go to the office when you first get here
The sentence: "I believe it's good for me to have a regular dental check", is the equivalent of:   I like to have a regular dental check
The sentence: "We expected him an hour ago", is the equivalent of:   He should have been here now
The sentence: "We're sorry we couldn't prepare the room earlier", is the equivalent of:   we regret not having been able to prepare the room earlier
The sentence: "Your tray table should be in the upright position for take-off and landing", is equivalent of:   You can use the tray when the plane is in flight
The type of biography having as its main purpose "aid to selling a book" is called:   flyleaf
The word "factory" means:   fabbrica
The word order of the following sentence is wrong. Choose the correct alternative. “Claire and Gabriel made their minds very quickly up”.   Claire and Gabriel made their minds up very quickly
There are ____ cigarettes in this packet   few
They ____ a tunnel through the mountains   blasted
Turn the following sentence into indirect speech. “I will go to Rodi again”, she said.   She said she would go to Rodi again