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media quiz vfp4 1 immissione 2011
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Da: 0000MMM01/03/2012 22:30:50
[color= verde] mareblurosso [/color]nnnnn

Da: 0000MMM01/03/2012 22:32:23
[color= verde]mareblurosso[/color] produce roma

Da: patrik81 05/04/2012 09:43:40
salve vrrei sapere io sono un ex vfb che per motivi x si e' congedato, ho 30 anni gia' fatto il vfp1 con eccellente ho i seguenti attestati fatti una missione in afghanistan di 3 mesi punteggio 0,91  poi , attestato di imprenditorialita' inglese, informatica, brevetto ranger, brevetto paracatutismo, brevetto anfibio ranger, e attestato di difesa personale sempre fatti in servizio dalla euroformazione della difesa avendo 3 punti per tutti piu' missione 0,91 piu' eccellente 12, piu' hai quiz 52,26, piu' o,5 del brevetto para' piu' 3 punti in qualita' di 12 mesi vfp1 facendo un calcolo arriverei a 71,67, ecco con questo punteggio finale entro in graduatoria finale grazie aspetto con ansia una risposta purtroppo sono al limite di eta' pero' credo che nessuno abbia tutti questi brevetti e missioni . grazie.

Da: fzMsGfDOrkqiPYyhfF21/05/2012 17:38:35
you use the webcam often, I would say go for the Dell bscuaee I heard that it has a HD webcam. The webcam on dm4(I own one) just sucks. Kinda.However, the dm4 has a pretty good battery life. Mine lasts for about 2 and a half hours watching some anime. Also, the dm4 is much lighter then the Dell, the dm4 being about 2kg/4lb while the dell is around 2.6kg/6lb. I can't really tell you performance wise bscuaee I don't own a Dell, but I would say that the dm4 is a cool laptop overall.

Da: JvvvWkzD22/05/2012 14:42:35
David, thank you for providing this otinrtuoppy to say something positive in the face of so much pain and suffering.  I live one day at a time with daily episodes of total exhaustion, but I have not stopped living.  I have a tendency to worry about all that I can't do, but people looking at my life are amazed at all that I do do.  They don't see the hours I spend completely lifeless on the sofa.  They only see that during the hours I am functional, I provide services that enrich the lives of others.  I feel that indirectly I make it possible for so much to be accomplished through all those that I encourage to be all they can be.  I will never know the extent to which what I say becomes the root of creation through many channels.  For this I am grateful.

Da: OIUqHslLiunRq24/05/2012 05:04:15
David, I forgot to post a cnmemot: I like your premise of self-care and pro-active support. Also, writing is integral to my own life and limitations, especially as they made one-on-one-an unrewarding experience for me, at one time. But I see how creativity rescues me from stasis. Though it is only this ennui which has let me sit still long enough to think these thoughts and email them to you. Best wishes, Mary

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Da: tricolore 11/03/2014 14:43:26
Ke stupido ke sei..

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