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> Clicca qui per scaricare l'elenco completo delle domande di questo argomento in formato Word!

Call me at 10 p.m. By that time my parents ________________________.   Will have left.
Can you show me on the map where I am?   Può mostrarmi sulla pianta dove mi trovo?
Choose the correct option to complete the following sentence: "If I could explain it to the average person, I __________ the Nobel Prize.".   Wouldn't have been worth.
Choose the correct option to complete the following sentence: _________ , you have no time for tears!   Stop complaining.
Choose the correct option to complete the following sentence: A human being is part of a ______, called by us the Universe, a part limited in time and space.   Whole.
Choose the correct option to complete the following sentence: Don't worry about the car, the most important thing is that we are safe and ____ .   Sound.
Choose the correct option to complete the following sentence: If you just told me _______ , I wouldn't worry that much!   Where you are.
Choose the correct option to complete the following sentence: I'm having troubles with my car, I think there ______ something wrong with the engine.   Could be.
Choose the correct option to complete the following sentence: It was Eloise who let the ___ out of the bag! I would have never told your wife about you and Sarah!   Cat.
Choose the correct option to complete the following sentence: Jane, you ought ____ for help.   To ask.
Choose the correct option to complete the following sentence: She really dropped a ___ when she said to Mark that she can't stand politicians! Doesn't she know that he's a deputy?   Brick.
Choose the correct option to complete the following sentence: While I _____ my homework I heard a strange noise from the garden.   Was doing.
Choose the correct option to complete the following sentence: Word on the ____ is that Donald is in prison again.   Street.
Choose the correct option to complete the following sentence: You can go out and play as soon as ______ your homework.   You finish.
Choose the correct option to complete the sentence: Police are now _____for anyone with information about the two surviving suspects to come forward.   Appealing.
Choose the correct option to fill the gap in. My sister Jamie is interested in modelling, new styles, futuristic trends and so on. She has got plenty of ______ in her room.   Fashion magazines.
Choose the correct option to fill the gap in. Pietro always complains about everything, for instance: I want to go the cinema? They are not playing good movies. I want to go out for dinner? There are no good restaurants. I want to visit a Museum? The ticket is too expensive. He is ____.   A grump.
Choose the correct option. You should go home. It's late and your parents____.   Will be worrying.
Choose the correct option: "sfacciato".   Whippersnapper.
Choose the correct option: A woman whose job is to serve customers at their tables in a restaurant is called ______ .   Waitress.
Choose the correct past participle form of the verb: to dwell (dimorare).   Dwelt.
Choose the correct past participle form of the verb: to grind (macinare).   Ground.
Choose the correct past participle form of the verb: to kneel (inginocchiarsi).   Knelt.
Choose the correct preposition: (coprire di) cover.   With.
Choose the correct preposition: (dipendere da) depend.   On.
Choose the correct preposition: (incriminare q.uno di) charge s.o.   With.
Choose the correct preposition: (insistere per) insist.   On.
Choose the correct preposition: (scusarsi di) apologise.   For.
Choose the correct preposition: (soffrire di) suffer.   From.
Choose the correct spelling: 0.5.   Nought point five.
Choose the correct spelling: 101° (centunesimo).   One hundred and first.
Choose the correct translation of the following word: canteen.   Mensa.
Choose the correct translation of the following word: comprehensive.   Completo.
Choose the correct translation of the following word: diffident.   Insicuro.
Choose the correct translation of the following word: firm.   Azienda.
Choose the correct translation of the following word: ostrich.   Struzzo.
Choose the correct translation of the following word: patent.   Brevetto.
Choose the correct translation of the following word: tendon.   Tendine.
Choose the correct translation of the following word: villain.   Malvivente.
Choose the correct translation: Aggrapparsi.   To cling.
Choose the correct translation: Andare in rosso.   To overdraw.
Choose the correct translation: Implorare.   To beg.
Choose the correct word to fill the gap in. Dario has caught his wife red handed with another man. He wouldn't have expected that at all. He's very _____ .   Crestfallen.
Choose the wrong sentence:   We use the zero article (no article) with musical instruments like "he plays piano".
Choose the wrong sentence:   We use the indefinite article with superlatives.
Cindy wanted to quit college and become an actress. Her parents talked her into staying in school while she pursues her acting career. That way, if she never makes it as an actress, she can always fall ____________on her education.   Back.
Come si può tradurre: "he's in an appalling temper"?   È di umore nero.
Complete each sentence with the correct option. I have to be back home by midnight and the bus drivers are on strike. ......?   Can you give me a lift.
Complete each sentence with the correct option. Mary ...... to Laura when it comes up to singing, she's much more in tune and her voice is far better.   Can't hold a candle.
Complete each sentence with the correct option. You need to ...... before being respected by your colleagues, everyone starts from the very bottom and then rise through the ranks.   Cut your teeth.
Complete the following sentence with the correct option. "Experience is the name everyone gives to ____ mistakes.".   Their.
Complete the following sentence with the correct option. "Suspects are being charged with membership of an armed terrorist organisation and of attempting to ____ the government, using force and violence.".   Overthrow.
Complete the following sentence with the correct option. Arja comes from Helsinki, in Finland, so she's a ____.   Finn.
Complete the following sentence with the correct option. As today it's very ____ you should go out and play with your kite.   Windy.
Complete the following sentence with the correct option. Last summer I ____ to England and I ____ a very good time.   Went-had.
Complete the following sentence with the correct option. Nearly two decades after the $200 billion settlement to compensate the public for health consequences of smoking, the industry still ____ in Washington.   Wields clout.
Complete the following sentence with the correct preposition. I dropped ___to 3rd then very quickly the 4th and 5th runners were close behind.   Back.
Complete the following sentences: "Although she won the spelling bee, some thought she didn't deserve the _______ because she may have cheated"?   Medal.
Complete the following sentences: "The knot he tied in the rope was very _______ and kept coming undone"?   Loose.
Complete the sentence with one of the following options. Greg (......) her to marry him if she didn't have to move to South Africa next month.   Would ask.
Complete the sentence with one of the following options. I (......) better if my little brother didn't make so much noise with his toys.   Could study.
Complete the sentence with one of the following options. My English teacher told me I (......) the exam if I had studied a little more.   Would have passed.
Complete the sentence with one of the following options. My father told me he (......) a surprise party for my birthday if he hadn't been busy at work.   Would have organised.
Complete the sentence with one of the following options. Our relationship (......) better if we spoke more about our problems instead of ignoring them.   Would be.
Complete the sentence with one of the following options. You know what? Your song (......) a great hit if the rhythm were just a bit faster.   Would be.
Complete the sentence with the correct preposition (referring to the context). He didn't agree with me at first, but soon he came (....) and followed my advice.   Round.
Complete the sentence with the correct preposition (referring to the context). Maria blew (....) the 20 birthday candles on the cake.   Out.
Complete the sentence with the correct preposition (referring to the context). My flight was called (....) so I had to spend four hours at the airport.   Off.
Complete the sentence with the correct preposition (referring to the context). No one helps her: she has to live (....) her salary, which is not easy.   On.
Complete the sentence with the correct preposition (referring to the context). Nowadays families are not the same as in the past, my great-grandparents brought six children (....).   Up.
Complete the sentence with the correct preposition (referring to the context). The development of aviation is brought (....) by the development of the aerospace industry.   About.
Complete the sentence with the correct preposition (referring to the context). The police are looking (....) the murder.   Into.
Complete the sentence with the correct preposition (referring to the context). The police pulled me (....) to check my papers and then they let me go.   Over.
Complete the sentence with the correct preposition (referring to the context). The secretary did overtime and worked (....) a lot of letters.   Off.
Complete with the correct option: "Outworn is the antonym of ______ .".   Up to date.
Complete with the correct option: "Remarkable is the antonym of ______ .".   Insignificant.
Complete with the correct option: "Stately is the antonym of ______ .".   Humble.
Complete with the correct option: You should read the book that you see someone on the train reading and trying to ___ that they're laughing.   Hide.