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Elenco in ordine alfabetico delle domande di Lingua inglese #7

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> Clicca qui per scaricare l'elenco completo delle domande di questo argomento in formato Word!

Can I have your ... about how to change my curriculum?   advice
Choose the alternative which best completes the following sentence. "The outer surface of an airplane is made almost entirely of metal, so lightening ...".   seldom penetrates to the interior
Choose the alternative which best completes the sentence. "The architect ... the drawing when ... the mistakes".   had just finished; he noticed
Choose the alternative which is closest in meaning to the word in square brackets and which does not change the meaning of the sentence. "How did you [solve] the problem in the end?".   sort out
Choose the alternative which is closest in meaning to the word in square brackets and which does not change the meaning of the sentence. "I can [see] by your tan that you've been on holiday".   tell
Choose the alternative which is closest in meaning to the word in square brackets and which does not change the meaning of the sentence. "It's customary to [wear] black at funerals".   dress in
Choose the alternative which is closest in meaning to the word in square brackets and which does not change the meaning of the sentence. "John is happy because his salary has [risen]".   increased
Choose the alternative which is closest in meaning to the word in square brackets and which does not change the meaning of the sentence. "She [remembered] seeing a man outside the shop that night".   recalled
Choose the alternative which is closest in meaning to the word in square brackets and which does not change the meaning of the sentence. "We spent Sunday on the [couch] watching TV".   sofa
Choose the alternative which is closest in meaning to the word or words in square brackets and which does not change the meaning of the sentence. "[You needn't] help me with this. I can do it on my own".   I don't need you to
Choose the alternative which is closest in meaning to the word or words in square brackets and which does not change the meaning of the sentence. "Building that new fireplace [has worn me out]".   has made me really tired
Choose the alternative which is closest in meaning to the word or words in square brackets and which does not change the meaning of the sentence. "He [likes] doing sports."   enjoys
Choose the alternative which is closest in meaning to the word or words in square brackets and which does not change the meaning of the sentence. "He looked everywhere in his room, but [couldn't] find his keys".   wasn't able to
Choose the alternative which is closest in meaning to the word or words in square brackets and which does not change the meaning of the sentence. "I didn't [expect] that film [to be] so good".   think; would be
Choose the alternative which is closest in meaning to the word or words in square brackets and which does not change the meaning of the sentence. "It was [an endless] list of terrible events".   a never-ending
Choose the alternative which is closest in meaning to the word or words in square brackets and which does not change the meaning of the sentence. "Monica [hasn't ever been as fat as] Silvia".   has always been thinner than
Choose the alternative which is closest in meaning to the word or words in square brackets and which does not change the meaning of the sentence. "My Aunt offered us [a cup of] tea."   some
Choose the alternative which is closest in meaning to the word or words in square brackets and which does not change the meaning of the sentence. "My brother doesn't care about food. He [eats anything]".   will eat anything
Choose the alternative which is closest in meaning to the word or words in square brackets and which does not change the meaning of the sentence. "Some people spend many years in [prison]."   jail
Choose the alternative which is closest in meaning to the word or words in square brackets and which does not change the meaning of the sentence. "The children were [eager to go] back to school".   enthusiastic about going
Choose the alternative which is closest in meaning to the word or words in square brackets and which does not change the meaning of the sentence. "The firm has [taken over] three companies this year".   obtained control of
Choose the alternative which is closest in meaning to the word or words in square brackets and which does not change the meaning of the sentence. "The lift in this building [seldom breaks down]".   almost always works
Choose the alternative which is closest in meaning to the word or words in square brackets and which does not change the meaning of the sentence. "The man [hurt] his back moving heavy tables".   injured
Choose the alternative which is closest in meaning to the word or words in square brackets and which does not change the meaning of the sentence. "These roast peppers [taste great] but they [look awful]".   are delicious; really don't look nice
Choose the alternative which is closest in meaning to the word or words in square brackets and which does not change the meaning of the sentence. "They [are in debt] to the bank".   owe money
Choose the alternative which is closest in meaning to the word or words in square brackets and which does not change the meaning of the sentence. "We've finally found the documents - we've [been looking for] them all day".   been searching for
Choose the alternative which is closest in meaning to the word or words in square brackets and which does not change the meaning of the sentence. "Your English lessons cost [cheapest of the my]."   less than mine
Choose the alternative which is closest in meaning to the words in square brackets and which does not change the meaning of the sentence. "[He was fired] for being late".   He got sacked
Choose the alternative which is closest in meaning to the words in square brackets and which does not change the meaning of the sentence. "The driver is sorry about the accident. He [regrets what happened very much]".   really regrets what happened
Choose the correct response to the following question. "What shall I do if your wife rings?".   Should she call, you can tell her I'll call her later
Choose the correct sentence.   The weapons lay in the field showing where the battle had taken place
Choose the group of words which best completes the following sentence. "I wonder if you could tell me whether ... near here".   there is a post office
Choose the group of words which best completes the following sentence. "John is studying at the moment. ... disturb him!".   Don't
Choose the group of words which best completes the following sentence. "The cost of living has really gone up lately, ...?".   hasn't it
Choose the group of words which best completes the sentence. "We've got enough plates, but we must buy some ...".   plastic knives and forks
Choose the noun that is closest in meaning to the word in brackets and that does not change the meaning of the sentence. "Spanish explorers (introduced) the first chickens to the North American continent".   brought
Choose the noun that is closest in meaning to the word in brackets and that does not change the meaning of the sentence. "This is a clear (instance) of his laziness".   example
Choose the odd word out.   Camera
Choose the odd word out.   Ostrich
Choose the odd word out.   Cucumber
Choose the phrase that best completes the following sentence. "Let's ...".   discuss the problem calmly
Choose the right answer to the following question. "Is Margaret coming too?".   I hope not
Choose the synonym of the word in brackets. "It was first [confirmed] by English physicist Henry Cavendish, that water is a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen".   verified
Choose the word from the list below which means the same as the word in square brackets. "About a third of Americans suffer from [occasional] insomnia".   periodic
Choose the word from the list below which means the same as the word in square brackets. "For the cultivation of rice, a [steady] supply of water is needed".   constant
Choose the word or group of words which best completes the following sentence. "China's economy ... an estimated 9.8% in 2005, much faster than expected".   grew
Choose the word or group of words which best completes the following sentence. "It looks ... it might rain. Take your umbrella with you".   as if
Choose the word or group of words which best completes the following sentence. "She realised that she ... her money when she went to pay for her coffee and sandwich".   had forgotten
Choose the word or words which best complete the sentence. "... a party tomorrow. ... to come?".   We're having; Would you like
Choose the word or words which best complete the sentence. "English children start going ... when they're five."   to school
Choose the word or words which best complete the sentence. "Has he worked there ...?"   for long
Choose the word or words which best complete the sentence. "He doesn't have time for his many ...".   hobbies
Choose the word or words which best complete the sentence. "He hasn't finished ... the book yet".   reading
Choose the word or words which best complete the sentence. "He usually reads ... he's on the train."   while
Choose the word or words which best complete the sentence. "He works much more than ..., or ...".   I do; so he thinks
Choose the word or words which best complete the sentence. "I can't buy a DVD player, I haven't got ..."   enough money
Choose the word or words which best complete the sentence. "I could see from her red eyes that she ...".   had been crying
Choose the word or words which best complete the sentence. "If my dog ... with me I wouldn't ... so scared".   had been; have felt
Choose the word or words which best complete the sentence. "I'm picking my cousin ... from the airport later today."   up
Choose the word or words which best complete the sentence. "It ... advertised ... yesterday's newspaper".   was; in
Choose the word or words which best complete the sentence. "It was really too cold ... a walk".   for us to have
Choose the word or words which best complete the sentence. "It's dangerous to ... without protecting your skin."   sunbathe
Choose the word or words which best complete the sentence. "I've just washed ...".   the kitchen floor
Choose the word or words which best complete the sentence. "Look ... there are in that field!"   how many sheep
Choose the word or words which best complete the sentence. "Many people are scared by ...".   large spiders
Choose the word or words which best complete the sentence. "Obesity can be caused by eating ... when you're a child."   too much
Choose the word or words which best complete the sentence. "On Wednesday they do maths lessons ...".   at school
Choose the word or words which best complete the sentence. "Our children ... a new car."   want us to buy
Choose the word or words which best complete the sentence. "Paul is the man ... wife won the Academy award for costume design."   whose
Choose the word or words which best complete the sentence. "Peter was ... to win the competition."   lucky
Choose the word or words which best complete the sentence. "Pietro was born ... 11 am ... the third of March".   at; on
Choose the word or words which best complete the sentence. "She asked her doctor ...".   for some advice
Choose the word or words which best complete the sentence. "She's ... eighty years old."   nearly
Choose the word or words which best complete the sentence. "Taxes ... within the next two months."   will be increased
Choose the word or words which best complete the sentence. "That woman can do incredible things, like reading ...".   people's minds
Choose the word or words which best complete the sentence. "The manager suggested ... a meeting about the project."   having
Choose the word or words which best complete the sentence. "The policeman has ... them some questions".   to ask
Choose the word or words which best complete the sentence. "The Spanish ... dinner later than the English."   usually have
Choose the word or words which best complete the sentence. "The thief got the ... out of the bag and counted ...".   money; it
Choose the word or words which best complete the sentence. "The traffic in cities is getting ...".   worse and worse
Choose the word or words which best complete the sentence. "There's a long line ... the post office this morning".   here at
Choose the word or words which best complete the sentence. "They met ... the sports centre."   outside
Choose the word or words which best complete the sentence. "We ... a book about famous gardens."   gave them
Choose the word or words which best complete the sentence. "We can probably find ... bed at that big shop."   a comfortable
Choose the word or words which best complete the sentence. "What's the time?" "It's almost ..."   half past eleven
Choose the word or words which best complete the sentence. "Who ... cellphone belong to?"   does this
Choose the word or words which best complete the sentence. "You can order ... you want here - they have everything!"   anything
Choose the word or words which best complete the sentence. "You'll wear ... if you work so hard!"   yourself out
Choose the word that best replaces the one in brackets of the following sentence. "The job I want to do is a very [hard] one".   tough
Choose the word that would best replace the one in brackets. "[Maybe] we'll come".   Perhaps
Choose the word which best completes the following sentence. "... you ever been to Tokyo before your arrival here today?".   Had
Choose the word which best completes the following sentence. "According to legend, Daniel Webster made a/an ... with Satan, but he managed to talk his way out of it at the last moment".   agreement
Choose the word which best completes the following sentence. "Can I have ... water, please?".   some
Choose the word which best completes the following sentence. "Can you put this vase of roses ... the coffee table? It'll look lovely there".   on
Choose the word which best completes the following sentence. "How did you find out about the date of the elections?". "I read about it ... the newspaper".   in
Choose the word which best completes the following sentence. "Providing customer ... is an essential part of our company mission".   satisfaction
Choose the word which best completes the following sentence. "Students need to study for ... tests".   their
Choose the word which best completes the following sentence. "That book belongs to Jane. All those books are ...".   hers
Choose the word which best completes the following sentence. "We haven't been to the cinema ... over three weeks". "Let's go this evening. There's a good film on at the Odeon".   for
Choose the word which best completes the sentence. "The audience had mixed feelings ... the film".   about
Choose the word which best completes the sentence. "The workers are fed ... with doing overtime".   up
Choose the word which is closest in meaning to the word between square brackets and which does not change the meaning of the original sentence. "Norman Rockwell's paintings and illustrations display a [meticulous] attention to detail".   careful
Choose the words which best complete the following sentence. "If you hadn't lost the tickets one hour before your flight, now you ... to Spain".   would be flying
Choose the words which best complete the following sentence. "What ... last weekend?". "I went to Florence. It was fabulous".   did you do
Completare la frase "Do you come whith ...?"   us
Completare la frase "Do you like ...?"   them
Completare la frase "Fred is ...; he is a very old man"   ninety
Completare la frase "Fred is ...; he is young"   nineteen
Completare la frase "He is going ... Amsterdam"   to
Completare la frase "My first name is Luca; my ... is Bianchi"   surname
Completare la frase "My room is ... the fifth floor"   on
Completare la frase "My surname is White; my ... is David"   first name
Completare la frase "They are in France ... the weekend"   for
Completare la frase "What ... Beckham?"   do you think of
Complete the following dialogue with the best combination of words. A: "Oh no! I've forgotten to ... David to the party". B: "That's OK. I'll tell him about it when I ... him at work".   invite/see
Complete the following dialogue. A: "Do we need ... cheese from the market?". B: "Yes, can you get a piece of Parmesan please?".   any
Complete the following dialogue. A: "What ... this weekend?". B: "I have to study so I'm staying at home".   are you doing
Complete the following sentence with the best combination of words. "... did you park the car? ... did you arrive?".   Where/When
Complete the following sentence with the best combination of words. "Can you tell me ... her name is? I have already seen her but I can't remember ...".   what/where
Complete the following sentence with the best combination of words. "Could I have a pizza ... mushrooms but ... olives?".   with/without
Complete the following sentence with the best combination of words. "He kissed ... friend just when I was looking at ...".   his/him
Complete the following sentence with the best combination of words. "Please do sit ...: I want to cheer you ...!".   down/up
Complete the following sentence with the best combination of words. "The front door ... the house was open".   of
Complete the following sentence with the best combination of words. "We really like ... new car. We are very happy we have bought ...!".   our/it
Complete the following sentence with the best combination of words. "Where ... they going this evening? I thought they would ... at home!".   are/stay
Complete the following sentence with the correct phrasal verb. "The police ... a good deal of criticism over their handling of the affair".   went down through
Complete the following sentence with the most appropriate word. "Although there are ... outbursts of gunfire, we can report that the major rebellion has been suppressed".   isolated
Complete the following sentence with the most appropriate word. "His ... directions misled us; we did not know which of the two roads to take".   ambiguous
Complete the following sentence with the most appropriate word. "We were very ... about the accident".   sorry
Complete the following sentence. "... can I get to the Post Office?".   How
Complete the following sentence. "... did you do it? I can't understand you".   Why
Complete the following sentence. "... is the right answer to this question, do you know?".   What
Complete the following sentence. "... money have we got left in the bank?".   How much
Complete the following sentence. "... one would you like?".   Which
Complete the following sentence. "... the end of the race, we had an ice cream".   Before
Complete the following sentence. "... time does the train leave?".   What
Complete the following sentence. "After Mark ... for three hours, he sat to have a meal".   had been hiking
Complete the following sentence. "Athens is more ... than Glasgow".   polluted
Complete the following sentence. "By the time William got to the port, he ... the boat".   had missed
Complete the following sentence. "Can you ask ... not to write on the walls, please?".   him
Complete the following sentence. "He is feeling very sorry ... himself right now".   for
Complete the following sentence. "He used to send letters ... the newspapers".   to
Complete the following sentence. "I guess ... is raining".   it
Complete the following sentence. "I haven't been to London ... five years".   for
Complete the following sentence. "I returned after midnight and ... my surprise, everybody was still up".   to
Complete the following sentence. "I think I ... written twenty letters".   have
Complete the following sentence. "I used to ... how to cook".   know
Complete the following sentence. "If ... wrong this time, nobody will ask for your opinion again".   you are
Complete the following sentence. "If she ... without him, he will never speak to her again".   goes
Complete the following sentence. "If you ... time, could you come to the zoo with me?".   have
Complete the following sentence. "James is a good friend of ...".   mine
Complete the following sentence. "Jane and Bob have grown up. Now ... are 16".   they
Complete the following sentence. "My husband comes ... Finland".   from
Complete the following sentence. "Peter and Tom are tired because ... work too much".   they
Complete the following sentence. "Please call me when ... are ready".   you
Complete the following sentence. "Put it down in front of ... immediately!".   yourself
Complete the following sentence. "The cat is not allowed to sit ... the table".   on
Complete the following sentence. "The dog seemed to chase ... ball forever".   its
Complete the following sentence. "The inspectors are going to release a report about safety regulations after the chairman of the company ...".   has them implemented
Complete the following sentence. "The ships have ... reached the Suez Canal".   already
Complete the following sentence. "They washed their swimsuits ... hand".   by
Complete the following sentence. "We should go home: ... is getting dark".   it
Complete the following sentence. "We're going ... Spain for a holiday".   to
Complete the following sentence. "When ... she coming?".   is
Complete the following sentence. "When I arrived at the restaurant, they ... already eaten".   had
Complete the following sentence. "Yesterday we ... dinner at 8 pm".   had
Complete the following sentence: "A midwife is a qualified nurse ... extra training in obstetrics".   who has had
Complete the following sentence: "After ... for three hours, he felt tired".   walking
Complete the following sentence: "After carrying out a large number of experiments, ...".   Alfred Nobel found the formula for dynamite in 1866
Complete the following sentence: "Architects travel to Greece and Italy to ... the marvels of classic design."   study
Complete the following sentence: "Arthur ... the date in the almanac".   checked
Complete the following sentence: "Before ... hope, let's ask for help".   giving up
Complete the following sentence: "Bill is very forgetful: you'll have to ... or he'll never do all the things you want him to do".   keep on him
Complete the following sentence: "By the time he gets to the office the meeting ... over."   will be
Complete the following sentence: "Have you ever....to the USA?"   been
Complete the following sentence: "I watched a very interesting interview ... the trainer of the Italian team."   with
Complete the following sentence: "I won't go out ... he telephones me".   unless
Complete the following sentence: "If he had known we were coming, I am sure he ... left the door unlocked".   would have
Complete the following sentence: "If you ... at the station on time, yesterday, we ... the train".   had been; wouldn't have missed
Complete the following sentence: "In England it's often too cold ... outside."   for people to eat
Complete the following sentence: "It looks ... it is going to rain".   as if
Complete the following sentence: "It's amazing how much John ... his father: they look and act exactly the same".   takes after
Complete the following sentence: "Jim's mother liked her gift because Jim ... himself".   picked it out
Complete the following sentence: "My eyes are tired because ... since lunchtime".   I've been studying
Complete the following sentence: "Oil paintings ... usually more expensive than water colours".   are
Complete the following sentence: "Oxford is not ... London".   as big as
Complete the following sentence: "Shall I get anything for you at the supermarket?". "Yes please, ... tomatoes".   get some
Complete the following sentence: "She has a ... to think she knows best in every situation".   tendency
Complete the following sentence: "She is ... her sister".   prettier than
Complete the following sentence: "She was able to give a ... account of the accident since she had been a witness to it".   first-hand
Complete the following sentence: "Sound comes in waves, and the higher the frequency, ...".   the higher the pitch
Complete the following sentence: "That story is hard to believe. I'm sure she ...".   made it up
Complete the following sentence: "The ... of this poisonous algae has caused the ... of many kinds of fish".   proliferation; exodus
Complete the following sentence: "The First World War ... in 1914".   broke out
Complete the following sentence: "The professor ... contemporary journalism for being too ...".   criticized; superficial
Complete the following sentence: "The sunlight comes ... the window."   through
Complete the following sentence: "These are nice shoes, but they're too stiff. I hope it doesn't take too long to ...".   break them in
Complete the following sentence: "This chair is very valuable. You ... look after it very carefully and you ... damage it".   must; mustn't
Complete the following sentence: "We are looking forward ... the concert this evening."   to
Complete the following sentence: "When I called his name he turned ...".   around
Complete the following sentence: "Young crocodiles make ... they can be heard from several metres".   such a loud noise that