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What is the best translation in English of non ho tempo?   I don't have time
What is the subject of this notice: _______________ Even if you are under 16, nothing you discuss with any member of this practice will be passed on to anyone without your permission.   confidentiality
Where do you go if you want to buy some meat?   the butcher's
Which is the correct use of make?   She always makes a lot of mistakes
Which of the following adjectives is NOT used to describe music?   fluffy
Which of the following is generally NOT a school subject?   story
Which of the following is NOT a member of the family?   cushion
Which of the following is NOT a musical instrument?   pumps
Which of the following is NOT a part of the body?   necklace
Which of the following is NOT a part of the body?   eyesight
Which of the following is NOT a place in a house?   chicken
Which of the following is NOT a place where you normally play sport?   canteen
Which of the following is NOT a place where you usually study?   a bathroom
Which of the following is NOT a sport?   squashing
Which of the following is NOT an example of housework?   cutting the grass
Which of the following is NOT associated with sports equipment?   lounge
Which of the following is NOT normally used to make clothes?   wicker
Which of the following is NOT part of a book?   capitol
Which of the following is NOT something a man normally wears?   a dress
Which of the following is NOT something we normally find in a living room?   a sink
Which of the following is NOT something we normally find in an office?   a fence
Which of the following is NOT something you can eat?   farm
Which of the following is NOT something you can wear?   a wardrobe
Which of the following is NOT usually found inside a house?   a headlight
Which of the following is NOT usually something to read?   a leaf
Which of the following pairs of words are NOT opposites?   few - little
Which of the following questions is NOT correct?   You've heard that he's handed in his resigned, haven't you?
Which of the following sentences is INCORRECT?   When we changed over to the euro prices have much climbed.
Which of the following sentences is NOT correct?   He was redundant because he argued with the boss.
Which of the following would be an appropriate way to begin a formal letter to a person you don't know?   Dear Sir
Which of the following would you put at the end of a formal letter?   I look forward to hearing from you soon
Which of these adjectives CANNOT be the opposite of sweet?   broad
Which of these adjectives does NOT form an adverb which ends in -ly?   fast
Which of these verbs does NOT form a noun which ends in -ion?   refuse
Which phrase CANNOT be used in an email to give bad news?   We excuse us for...
Which phrase is NOT correct?   a bar of stamps
Which question is correct?   What is Torino famous for?
Which question is correct?   What's the weather like in Bologna?
Which sentence is correct?   I haven't seen him for a long time.
Which sentence is correct?   I like my job very much
Which sentence is NOT correct?   He looks his brother
Which two adjectives are NOT opposite in meaning?   heavy/low
Which two verbs are NOT opposite in meaning?   win/drop
With which of the following sports can you use the verb PLAY?   basketball
Workers ‘statutory annual leave' is...   the total number of holidays to which they are legally entitled